Our focus is to address humanity’s greatest threat by scaling up carbon removal and sequestration through the regenerative agriculture of industrial hemp in the United States and end-product development with high carbon sequestration.

How We Build the Industry

  • Farming

    We have farmers across the united states farming tri-crop Industrial Hemp to produce raw material and carbon credits.

  • Processing

    We process our harvested raw material into specs fit for grain, fiber, and hurd based products.

  • Product Portfolio

    All raw and processed material from our farmers will be sold to businesses or individuals.

  • Carbon Sequestration

    Industrial Hemp is the top sequestering crop. We are building up the marketplace for hemp while improving our Earth.

Industrial Hemp provides the most cost-effective and scalable solution for carbon sequestration.

One of the most vigorous and competent plant species on Earth, hemp thrives across a multitude of climates and otherwise marginal lands. Natural plant evolution has given us photosynthesis; the most efficient mechanism to sequester atmospheric carbon.

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