Why Hemp?

There are a lot of questions revolving around this newly announced commodity, so let’s answer some of them.

Parts of the Hemp Plant

Products Made from Hemp

Industrial Hemp produces 5 outputs that lead to the production of several different types of products ranging from construction to human consumption.

    • Paper

    • Ethanol

    • Bioplastics

    • Textiles

    • Packaging

    • Bioslurry

    • Asphalt

    • Hempcrete

    • Rebar

    • Insulation

    • Animal Bedding

    • Energy

    • Ethanol

    • Jet Fuel

    • Animal Feed

    • Protein

    • Oil

    • Omegas

    • Hemp Hearts

    • Hemp Seed

Have more questions?

We don’t want to leave anyone with questions about hemp, the farming process, uses of hemp, or anything else. Feel free to click below to send your questions, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.