About Us

Pioneers of the industrial hemp supply chain starting in 2012, we have and hope to continue to directly impacted the agribusiness sector across dozens of states and communities, large and small. 

Our experience has resulted in recently being named the recipient of the first USDA-approved Climate Smart grant; focused on regenerative and carbon-reducing agricultural practices in rural business through growing industrial hemp. We work with several research initiatives to continue progressing the industrial hemp supply chain for more sustainable and efficient end-products on shelves and in people’s homes. 

Consolidated Carbon represents an unparalleled experience set in the burgeoning regenerative agriculture sector. 

How It Works

The Supply Chain

Sustainable Hemp Farming

Hemp is one of the few agricultural crops that can be farmed multiple cycles a year. We prioritize the most cost-effective and efficient locations to grow industrial hemp for both carbon sequestration, and raw materials production. 

We evaluate regional historical production models, natural access to resources, and local industrial supply chains. By employing USDA Climate Smart farming practices we sustainably cultivate a crop for multiple commercial uses that sequesters more carbon per acre than anything else in the world.

Raw Materials Processing

Hemp's primary constituents of fiber, grain, hurd, and flower provide for boundless commercial applications.  From decortication to precise specification of raw materials, our processing operations maximize the value of harvest by utilizing every part of the plant.

Our processing program has historically produced the lowest cost raw materials at the largest domestic scale. Without infrastructural overhauls to existing farm operations, our farming partners experience a seamless transition when including hemp into their crop cycles to serve end-use markets.

Carbon Sequestration Tracking

Our Farm Resource Planning (FRP) platform enables farmers the ability to track their carbon sequestration across any crop, any field, any time, anywhere. 

In accordance with USDA Climate Smart standards, CarbonTrack provides Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) features to catalogue every field's agricultural practices, total inputs, and measure both soil and biomass for carbon sequestration impacts.

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